About Us

Xeno Martial Arts teaches Kicks based on Taisudo, Tukido, Taekwondo and other Korean Arts. Western Boxing provides most of the hand techniques. We teach a Martial Art that teaches the practitioner techniques for defence and offence regardless of age and sex.

Kickboxing has a great effect on children’s growth and development , as well as youth and adult physical fitness. The Techniques are designed to develop power, control and develop flexibility of joints and help to relieve fatigue and stress.

As well as kickboxing, Xeno Martial Arts provides regular Seminars on Self Defence and Strength & Conditioning.

We welcome everybody from the age of 6 years old upwards, from people who are complete new comers and beginners to the sport aswell as people training in other martial arts or clubs. We encourage families to train together and are very proud that the scheme we use encourages progression for adults and children so they can develop and learn together. We are here to share and develop knowledge, come down to one of our clubs and see if we’re the club for you.